Thursday, August 27, 2009

Puasa dan Kelebihan Solat terawih


Firman Allah SWT di dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 183 yang bermaksud :

” Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah wajib ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas umat-umat yang sebelum kamu, semoga kamu menjadi orang yang bertaqwa.”

Manakala Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda :

“Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu bulan Ramadhan bulan yang penuh berkat. Allah telah fardukan ke atas kamu berpuasa padanya. Sepanjang bulan Ramadhan itu dibuka segala pintu syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka serta dibelenggu segala syaitan…”

Pengertian Puasa
Puasa ertinya menahan diri dari makan dan minum dan dari segala perbuatan yang boleh membatalkan puasa, mulai terbit fajar hinggalah terbenam matahari.

Syarat Wajib Puasa

1. Berakal
2. Akhir Baligh (Cukup umur)
3. Kuat atau mampu mengerjakan puasa

Syarat Sah Puasa

1. Islam
2. Mumayyiz (dapat membezakan yang baik dan buruk)
3. Suci daripada haid dan nifas
4. Dalam waktu yang dibolehkan berpuasa.

Rukun Puasa

Berniat – Pada malam selama bulan Ramadhan hendaklah berniat di dalam hati bahawa kita akan mengerjakan puasa pada hari esok.
Menahan diri daripada segala yang membatalkan semenjak terbit fajar sampai terbenam matahari.

Perkara Yang Membatalkan Puasa

1. Makan dan minum dengan sengaja
2. Muntah dengan sengaja
3. Bersetubuh tanpa keluar mani pada siang hari bulan Ramadhan
4. Keluar darah haid atau nifas
5. Gila
Keluar mani akibat bersetubuh dengan perempuan. Tetapi keluar mani kerana bermimpi tidak membatalkan puasa.

Orang Yang Diizinkan Berbuka Atau Tidak Berpuasa

1. Orang yang sakit
2. Orang yang dalam perjalanan jarak jauh melebihi 52 batu atau 80.64 km.
3. Orang tua yang sudah lemah
4. Orang yang hamil dan orang yang menyusukan anak.

Kemudian antara kelebihan-kelebihan solat terawih ialah :

1. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Pertama
Diampuni dosa orang-orang yang beriman sebagaimana keadaannya baru dilahirkan.

2. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kedua
Diampunkan dosa orang-orang yang beriman yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih, serta dosa-dosa kedua ibubapanya.

3. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Ketiga
Para malaikat di bawah ‘Arasy menyeru kepada manusia yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih itu agar meneruskan solatnya pada malam-malam yang lain, semoga Allah akan mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka.

4. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keempat
Orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih akan memperolehi pahala sebagaimana pahala yang diperolehi oleh orang-orang yang membaca kitab-kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil dan Al-Quran.

5. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kelima
Allah SWT akan mengurniakan pahala seumpama pahala orang-orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang di Masjidil Haram, Masjidil Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa.

6. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keenam
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan kepadanya pahala seumpama pahala malaikat-malaikat yang bertawaf di Baitul Makmur serta setiap batu dan tanah berdoa untuk keampunan orang-orang yang mengerjakan tarawih malam itu.

7. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Ketujuh
Seolah-olah ia dapat bertemu dengan Nabi Musa a.s serta menolong Nabi itu menentang musuhnya Fir’aun dan Hamman.

8. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kelapan
Allah S.W.T mengurniakan pahala orang yang bersolat tarawih sebagaimana pahala yang dikurniakan kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s.

9. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesembilan
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan pahala dan dinaikkan mutu ibadat hamba-Nya seperti Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

10. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesepuluh
Allah SWT mengurniakan kepadanya kebaikan dunia dan akhirat.

11. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesebelas
Ia meninggal dunia di dalam keadaan bersih dari dosa seperti baru dilahirkan.

12. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduabelas
Ia akan dibangkitkan pada hari kiamat dengan muka yang bercahaya-cahaya.

13. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Ketigabelas
Ia akan datang pada hari kiamat di dalam keadaan aman sentosa dari sebarang kejahatan dan keburukan.

14. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keempatbelas
Malaikat-malaikat akan datang menyaksikan mereka bersolat Tarawih serta Allah S.W.T. tidak akan menyesatkan mereka.

15. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kelimabelas
Semua malaikat yang memikul ‘Arasy dan Kursi akan berselawat dan mendoakannya supaya Allah mengampunkannya.

16. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keenambelas
Allah S.W.T. menuliskan baginya dari kalangan mereka yang terlepas dari api neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga.

17. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Ketujuhbelas
Allah S.W.T menuliskan baginya pahala pada malam ini sebanyak pahala Nabi-Nabi.

18. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kelapanbelas
Malaikat akan menyeru: Wahai hamba Allah sesungguhnya Allah telah redha denganmu dan dengan kedua ibu bapamu (yang masih hidup atau yang sudah mati).

19. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesembilanbelas
Allah S.W.T akan meninggikan darjatnya di dalam Syurga Firdaus.

20. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh
Allah S.W.T mengurniakan kepadanya pahala sekelian orang yang mati syahid dan orang-orang soleh.

21. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh satu
Allah S.W.T akan membina untuknya sebuah mahligai di dalam syurga yang diperbuat dari cahaya.

22. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh dua
Ia akan datang pada hari kiamat di dalam keadaan aman dari sebarang huru-hara pada hari tersebut.

23. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh tiga
Allah S.W.T akan membina untuknya sebuah bandar di dalam syurga daripada cahaya.

24. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh empat
Allah S.W.T akan membuka peluang untuk dua puluh tahun ibadat bagi orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih pada malam tersebut.

25. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh lima
Allah S.W.T akan mengangkat seksa kubur darinya.

26. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh enam
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan pahala empat puluh tahun ibadat bagi orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih pada malam tersebut.

27. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh tujuh
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan kepadanya kemudahan untuk melintasi titian sirat sepantas kilat.

28. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh lapan
Allah S.W.T akan menaikkan kedudukannya seribu darjat di akhirat.

29. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduapuluh sembilan
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan kepadanya pahala seribu haji yang mabrur.

30. Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Ketigapuluh
Allah S.W.T akan memberi penghormatan kepada orang yang bertarawih pada malam terakhir dengan firman-Nya (yang bermaksud): Wahai hambaku!, makanlah segala jenis buah-buahan yang Engkau ingini untuk dimakan di dalam syurga dan mandilah kamu di dalam sungai yang bernama salsabil serta minumlah air dari telaga yang dikurniakan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang bernama Al-Kautsar.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Calender Islamic

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Superiority of Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the best among all the creation of Allah. He has superiority over all human beings, including all the messengers and the prophets of Allah. Allah Himself says in the Qur’an: [Those Messengers, We gave superiority to some over the others] (Al-Baqarah 2:253). Prophet Muhammad is also reported to have said in a number of authentic hadiths, “I am the leader of all the children of Adam, but I do not boast about it.” Allah gave Prophet Muhammad this honor. All prophets were sent to their own people for their own time (Ibrahim 14:4), but Prophet Muhammad was sent to all people for all time to come (Saba’ 34:28). Allah sent Prophet Muhammad as a mercy to all the worlds (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:107); no other prophet or messenger of Allah was given this honor. During the Israa’ and Mi`raj (Ascension and Night Journey), Allah gave Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) the honor to be the imam of His prophets and messengers.

There is no contradiction between this and the Qur’anic verse that says [To those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and make no distinction between any of the Messengers, We shall soon give their due rewards] (An-Nisaa’ 4:152). The verse is not talking about the superiority among Allah’s prophets and messengers. It uses the word yufarriq, which means “making distinction or making discrimination,” i.e., believing in some and not believing in others. This is explained before in An-Nisaa’ 4:150–151 where Allah says [Those who deny Allah and His Messengers, and those who wish to make distinction between Allah and His Messengers and say “we believe in some but reject others” and those who wish to take a way in between, they are in truth unbelievers and We have prepared for unbelievers a humiliating punishment.] Islam teaches us that we must believe in all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. We should not discriminate between them by accepting some and rejecting others, but this does not mean that all prophets were of the same status. To say this will be against the verse Al-Baqarah 2:253 in which Allah has mentioned that He Himself has given superiority to some messengers over the others.

In the Sahih of Al-Bukhari there is also a hadith reported by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him): Once while a Jew was selling something, he was offered a price that he was not pleased with, so he said, “No, by Him Who gave Moses superiority over all human beings!” Hearing him, a man from the Ansar got up and slapped him on his face and said, “You say, ‘By Him Who gave Moses superiority over all human beings’ although the Prophet (Muhammad) is present among us!” The Jew went to the Prophet and said, “O Abul Qasim, I am under the assurance and contract of security, so what right does so-and-so have to slap me?” The Prophet asked the other, “Why did you slap him?” He told him the whole story. The Prophet became so angry that the anger appeared on his face, and he said, “Do not give superiority to any among Allah’s prophets, for when the trumpet will be blown, every one on the earth and the heavens will become unconscious except those whom Allah will exempt. The trumpet will be blown a second time and I will be the first to be resurrected to see Moses holding Allah’s Throne. I will not know whether the unconsciousness which Moses received on the Day of Tur has been sufficient for him, or whether he got up before me. And I do not know that there is anybody better than Yunus ibn Matta” (Al-Bukhari).

The hadith is not contradicting the Qur’an, but it is giving us another important lesson of manners that we Muslims must have when we speak about the prophets and the messengers of Allah. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us that we should not speak about him in such a manner that we show any disrespect to other prophets and messengers. He gave the example of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) (peace and blessings be upon him). His story is mentioned in the Qur’an and it is mentioned that he left his people and ran away from his duty. He was swallowed by a whale and lived in the whale’s belly for several days. Then he repented and Allah accepted his repentance. Even this prophet should not be spoken of in a derogatory manner. He also deserves our full respect and honor as a prophet of Allah.

Especially in our inter-religious dialogue when we talk to the people of other faiths, we should use our language very carefully. Imam Ibn Hajar has explained this hadith very beautifully and said, “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) forbade from talking about the superiority of one prophet over another according to one’s personal opinion, but it must be based on a proof and it should not be done to put down the other prophets or to create animosity, dissent, and divisions.”

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W

We begin with the beautiful lessons of Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) the last and final Messenger from ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) to all mankind. His birth, life, his appointment as a Prophet, the revelations from Angel Jibraeel (Radiallahu Anhum) and the many trials and tribulations he experienced in his life are all very dear and important to a Muslim. We follow the ways of the Prophet very closely as he gave meaning to the many commandments and directions of the revelations. He was regarded as “the living Qur’an,” and also fulfilled the second half of the declaration of a Muslim, that is, “Muhammad is the messenger of GOD.”
Before we begin with the message that he brought to all mankind, it is important to sketch a picture of the Arabian surroundings, the people, the human activity and the thoughts and practices of the people at that time, to create the setting that this noble Prophet found himself in when he made his appearance and undertook the superhuman task of changing it for the better. Let us fill you in on this vital background before talking about the birth and life of Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam).